How are you,
As ever I wish you’re doing well, and wishing you are not sick (because that’s really tiring).
Anyway the past weeks, as you may know I didn’t have computer, I still haven’t one. It is still in the US u_u .
But as I didn’t had a computer, I’m sure I told you I was getting insane, really, really insane! However I had a lot of time to think, reflexing, meditate, read books, etc. And I also noticed that I’m more manga-otaku, addicted to Japanese comics, than I thought -_- .

If I posted is because I wanted to do something else different from homework T_T and because I’d finally managed to use the computed without my parent’s supervision :D .
Thanks for reading, thanks for visiting, I know I’ve been receiving at least 300 visits per day , more or less(a friend told me). So thanks. Have a nice week, good luck, and GBU a lot!

PS: I finally bought my first Lolita dress :3 ,it is sailor Lolita. El tiempo libre es una ilusión! ~_~ Also I finally got to bought a Shounen Jump Magazine without having to hide it from my family and withour recieving any punishment or reprimand.
Hey people, i decided to edit this entry because I wanted to know what do you think 'bout SOPA and PIPA, also to know what do you think 'bout what's Anonymous doing. Thanks.
Decicí reeditar el post por que quería saber que es lo que vos piensas de PIPA y SOPA, además para saber que es lo que piensas sobre lo que Anonymous ha estado haciendo.
In my personal belief and view I support Anonymous(thought the government may be reading this). En Mi creencia personal y punto de vista, apoyo Anonymous(aunque el gobierno pueda leer esto).
En mi
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